The six project meetings from the two years of the project had different themes for which each country prepared tasks and presentations as follows:
1. The first meeting took place in in Latvia, at Professional secondary school Saldus, in the period 11th -16th November 2012,
The meeting focussed on sharing information about our schools, towns and countries, looking at arts against violence and picking the winning logo design to represent our project.
The students made presentations of their schools,cities,countries and education systems and religious holidays and ceremonies.
They also made presentations of "Traditional Arts Against Violence" and were involed in workshops with traditional arts .
The programme also included cultural visits to local places of interest and cultural evenings where the hosts had the chance to show the richness of their traditions and customs.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about our schools, towns and countries, looking at arts against violence and picking the winning logo design to represent our project.
The students made presentations of their schools,cities,countries and education systems and religious holidays and ceremonies.
They also made presentations of "Traditional Arts Against Violence" and were involed in workshops with traditional arts .
The programme also included cultural visits to local places of interest and cultural evenings where the hosts had the chance to show the richness of their traditions and customs.
2. The second meeting took place in Greece, at Music School Komotini, in the period18th - 22nd February 2013.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about our traditional costumes and games, music and dancing. The students made presentations of "Traditional games and costumes" and performed ""Folk Dances Against Violence".
There were also cultural visits to local places of interest and cultural evenings which represented real opportunities for our students to socialize and communicate in a foreign language.The meeting culminated in a concert, ‘singing against violence’.
3. The third meeting took place in Germany , at IGS Busecker Tal , in the period 2nd -7th June 2013.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about promoting positive and desirable behaviours and performing theatre productions on this theme. Students made presentations about “Supporting and promoting desirable behaviours and attitudes among students”.They performed on the stage of the school "A Theatre Play Against Violence".There were also cultural visits to local places of interest and cultural evenings which represented real opportunities for our students to socialize and communicate in a foreign language.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about promoting positive and desirable behaviours and performing theatre productions on this theme. Students made presentations about “Supporting and promoting desirable behaviours and attitudes among students”.They performed on the stage of the school "A Theatre Play Against Violence".There were also cultural visits to local places of interest and cultural evenings which represented real opportunities for our students to socialize and communicate in a foreign language.
4. The forth meeting took place in Scotland, at Kilmarnock Academy, in the period 4th-7th November 2013.
The meeting focussed on traditional cuisine and eating habits . There were made presentations of “Traditional recipes, local cuisine and eating habits". The students and teachers took part in a Cooking Competition Against Violence and there was an exhibition with traditional recipes from all the partner countries.
As coordinators, the Scottish hosts organized cultural visits to famous places which proved the beauty and richness of their tradition and history. They also organized meetings with the local community and authorities where all the participants from the other countries had the chance to socialize and discuss with the hosts about their culture and way of life.
As coordinators, the Scottish hosts organized cultural visits to famous places which proved the beauty and richness of their tradition and history. They also organized meetings with the local community and authorities where all the participants from the other countries had the chance to socialize and discuss with the hosts about their culture and way of life.
5. The fifth meeting took place in Italy, at Istituto Professionale Di Stato Per I Servizi Commerciali E Turistici “Giustino Fortunato” from Naples, in the period 16th-21st February 2014.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about respecting another person’s point of view and literature on this theme.The students made presentations of “Respecting another person's point of view - the basis for communication". They exhibited the posters they had created in their home schools with the same topic. They also recited poems in English or in their national language which were translated. the programme also included an workshop with literary products like poems, articles, stories, etc.
There were cultural visits to famous local places which gave the visitors a real flavour of Italian life and culture.
There were cultural visits to famous local places which gave the visitors a real flavour of Italian life and culture.
6. The sixth and final meeting was held in Poland, at "Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 im. Stanislawa Staszica w Radomsku” from Radomsko, in the period 1st-6th June 2014.
The meeting focussed on sharing information about having respect for ourselves and others, strategies to reduce bullying, violence and antisocial behaviour. The students made presentations of the topic “We have respect for others and we have respect for ourselves” and produced a movie on "strategies to reduce bullying, violence and antisocial behaviour". The students were involved in various sport activities and games.
The teachers held a meeting where they discussed final impressions and conclusions about the project and also prepared the Final Report.
The Polish hosts also organized cultural visits to famous local places which gave the visitors a real flavour of the Polish life and culture. There was a final meeting and exhibition of the project where representatives of the local authorities and the community participated and the local press was invited.There were exchanges of impressions and conclusions about the project, interviews and final products were distributed among the participants.
The teachers held a meeting where they discussed final impressions and conclusions about the project and also prepared the Final Report.
The Polish hosts also organized cultural visits to famous local places which gave the visitors a real flavour of the Polish life and culture. There was a final meeting and exhibition of the project where representatives of the local authorities and the community participated and the local press was invited.There were exchanges of impressions and conclusions about the project, interviews and final products were distributed among the participants.